Manuscript Help

Helping you whip your manuscript into shape!

In addition to design services, we also provide critique and editing services to help whip your manuscript into shape before publication, or before submitting to agents and/or publishers.

Do I need a critique or an edit?

Choose a manuscript critique if you need help developing and redrafting your novel. This will take the form of a report on the story as a whole rather than a line-by-line edit. If you have had no previous professional feedback on your work, it is likely this is what will help most in the first instance.

Choose copy-editing if you need a thorough, line-by-line check of your completed manuscript for typos, grammatical errors and inconsistencies. This is the best option if you are happy with your story and attempting to get your manuscript publication-ready, or preparing to submit to agents and publishers.

Choose proofreading if your novel has been typeset/formatted ready for publication and needs a final professional check for errors.